Catching Voles
How to Trap Voles
By SCMG Electra de Peyster
1. Cover all the holes with soil. When new holes appear you know that those tunnels are active.
2. Use two mouse traps for each hole. Each mouse trap should be drilled with a hole to accommodate a 4 inch nail, so trap can be secured in soil.
3. Place two mouse traps on either side of a hole. Traps don't have to be baited.
4. Cover the traps with an inverted piece of rain gutter. Traps should not stick out of the end of the piece of gutter. Secure gutter with heavy gauge wire. If you have cats or dogs that might want to stick their paws in the gutter, block the ends of the gutter with a stick or hardware cloth.
5. Check the traps daily. Reset traps over same hole until you aren't catching anymore voles in that location.
For more information about voles, see the UC Pest Note on voles.