Food Gardening Specialists
As Sonoma County Master Gardeners, the Food Gardening Specialist (FGS) project’s mission is to provide science-based horticultural information and to teach home and community gardeners how to grow food sustainably.
When you grow food sustainably you nurture and protect the soil; use compost and organic amendments to feed the soil organisms that, in turn, feed your plants; use mulch to cover your soil, prevent weeds and conserve water; practice minimum soil disturbance; plant the right plant, in the right place, at the right time; include flowers that benefit the vegetables and that attract good insects; and avoid using synthetic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.
Food Gardening Specialists have specialized food gardening training and experience. In addition to their horticultural knowledge and interests, they are all passionate food gardeners—many with years of first-hand experience growing crops in their own Sonoma County microclimates. They successfully combine their personal food gardening expertise with advanced and continuing education.
Helpful publications, articles, monthly food garden tasks and FGS tips can be found on the Food Gardening page and in our list of Vegetable, Fruit and Herb Articles and MG Publications on the SCMG website
Community Garden Relationships

Workshops for Food Gardeners

The Youth Garden Project operates under the leadership of the Master Gardener Food Gardening Specialists. The project supports the development and maintenance of sustainable gardens in school and after-school programs in Sonoma County.
For more information about the activities and services of the Youth Garden Project, click here.