University of California
UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County
Drip irrigation vs other irrigation methods
- Hand watering: Although hand watering helps, it is not the most efficient method. There is a good chance plants will either be over-watered or under-watered.

Hand watering photo from pixabay.com
- Sprinklers: Overhead sprinklers or hose-end sprinklers that spray a mist are less effective at putting water where the roots can properly use it. Also, mist from overhead watering evaporates quickly and is often blocked by foliage before it reaches the ground. Wet leaves are susceptible to diseases and damage from snails and slugs.

The topics outlined below will help you install a drip system.
- Drip irrigation vs other irrigation methods
- How to get started
- Drip irrigation management
- Key considerations when implementing a drip system
- Drip irrigation basics
- Drip irrigation in different landscape situations
- Determining how much water to apply and how often
- Maintaining an irrigation system
- How to get help