Paul M. Vossen

133 Aviation Boulevard
Suite 109
Santa Rosa, CA 95403-2894
(707) 565-2621

Paul Vossen
University of California
Cooperative Extension
Farm Advisor, Emeritus
Paul Vossen was a University of California Cooperative Extension – Farm Advisor in Sonoma and Marin Counties since 1980. He worked in the areas of fruit tree, berry, and specialty vegetable culture; pest control; and marketing of farm products. He also managed the Master Gardener and Sudden Oak Death Programs. He helped local farmers with the evaluation of their land, selection of appropriate specialty crops, cultural practices, and advice on selling their produce. He was one of the founders of the Sebastopol Apple Promotion Committee (1982), Sonoma County Ag Marketing Program (1986), and the California Olive Oil Council in 1990. He developed statewide and international expertise in olive oil production, processing, and sensory evaluation, including management of the first olive oil taste panel in the USA to become recognized by the International Olive Oil Council in 2001. As a UC researcher he worked on the scientific evaluation of organic production practices for various crops including apples and olives, primarily in the control of apple scab, codling moth, and olive fruit fly. Then he authored two UC manuals on organic production for apples and olives. He taught many UC short courses and seminars on specialty crops production, working closely with the SRJC Sustainable Ag Program, and completed a new cost study on coastal olive oil production. He oversaw the Sonoma County Master Gardener Program for more than 30 years. This program donates over 15,000 hours of volunteer service annually to the community on the subject of sustainable gardening techniques via two help desks (Santa Rosa and Sonoma), library workshops, community gardens, fairs, festivals, farmers’ market booths, a food gardening specialist group, and a Sudden Oak Death outreach program. Their home composting program, at one time funded by Sonoma County Waste Management Agency, helped reduce landfill inputs by 5,500 cubic yards by educating the community to compost and reuse of yard and kitchen waste. The Master Gardener Pesticide Use Reduction Education (PURE) Project disseminated information to over 10,200 people through workshops, information tables and a demo garden. The PURE Project was supported by a grant from City of Santa Rosa and the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. The PURE demonstration garden at the Sonoma County Fair annually showcased sustainable gardening techniques such as integrated pest management, water conservation, appropriate plant selection and habitat gardening. Paul also oversaw the Sudden Oak Death (SOD) program that conducted research into documenting the extent of this exotic fungal infestation in Sonoma County. The program, funded by a USDA Forestry Dept. grant, teaches landowners, arborists, parks and recreation staff, and the general public about oak tree management issues to prevent SOD and to minimize its spread into uninfested areas.
- Educator of the Year - Pedro Ilic Award
Presented by Small Farm Program, 2012
- IPM Innovator Award
Presented by California Department of Food and Agriculture, 2005
- Pioneer of the Year
Presented by California Olive Oil Council, 2002
- Friend of Sonoma County Agriculture
Presented by Sonoma County Harvest Fair, 1998
Tree fruits and nuts, vegetable crops, small farm specialty crops; marketing, Master Gardener Program, organic - sustainable production, olive oil, chestnuts, applesAreas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)
- Ag Commodities and Products - General
- Fruit Crops - General
- Olives
- Ornamental Crops, Landscape and Turf
- Landscape - General
- Plants and Their Systems
- Plant Management Systems
- Insects, Mites, and Other Arthropods Affecting Plants
- Pathogens and Nematodes Affecting Plants
- Food and Non-Food Products: Development, Processing, Quality, and Delivery
- New and Improved Food Products
- Program and Project Support, Administration, and Communication
- Communication, Education, and Information Delivery
- Natural Resources and Environment
- Pollution Prevention and Mitigation
- Master Gardeners
Peer Reviewed
- Rooney-Latham, S.; Gallegos, L. L.; Vossen, P. M.; Gubler, W. D. (2013). "First report of Neofabraea alba causing fruit spot on olive in North America." Plant Disease 97(10): 1384.
- Vossen, P. Eds. (2013). Growing olives for oil: Chapter 2. Handbook of olive oil: analysis and properties 2nd Edition. New York, Springer Science+Business Media.
- Urbez-Torres, J.; Peduto, P.; Vossen, P.; Krueger, W.; Gubler, W. (2013). "Olive Twig and Branch Dieback: Etiology, Incidence and Distribution in California." Plant Disease
- Vossen, P. (2012). Growing olives for oil. Handbook of olive oil: analysis and properties.R. Aparicio and J. Harwood. Springer.
- Michailides, T.; Vossen, P.; McKenry, M. (2011). Diseases of olive in California. Olive Diseases and Disorders.L. Schena, G. Agosteo and S. Cacciolo.: 379-401.
- Caprile, J.; Vossen, P. (2011). UC Pest Notes â Codling Moth. UC ANR. 7412. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7412.html
- Ferguson, L.; Rosa, U.; Castro, S.; Burns, J.; Vossen, P.; Krueger, W.; O'Connell, N.; Ortiz, J.; Fernandez, J.; Searles, P.; Ferguson, L.; Kulakow, P.; Rosecrance, R. (2009). "Developing Mechanical Harvesting for California Black Ripe Process Table Olives Olea Europaea Cv. 'manzanillo'." HortScience 44(4): 1044.
- Alba, J.; Izquierdo, J.; Gutiérrez, F.; Vossen, P. (2008). Aceite de Oliva Virgen. Análisis Sensorial. Madrid, Spain, Editorial Agricola Española S.A.: 112-144.
- Vossen, P.; Berenguer, M.; Grattan, S.; Connell, J.; Polito, V. (2008). "The influence of different levels of irrigation on the chemical and sensory properties of olive oil." Acta Horticultura 791: 439-444.
- Vossen, P. (2007). California olive oil survey statistics. Organic Olive Production Manual. UC ANR. 3353
- Vossen, P. (2007). Economics of olive oil production. Organic Olive Production Manual. UC ANR. 3353
- Vossen, P. (2007). International olive oil council trade standard for olive oil. Organic Olive Production Manual. UC ANR. 3353
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2007). Monitoring and organic control of olive fly. Organic Olive Production Manual. UC ANR. 3353
- Vossen, P. (2007). "Olive oil: history, production, and characteristics of the world's classic oils - workshop Mediterranean fruits: ancient history and modern promise." HortScience 42(5): 1093-1100.
- Krueger, W.; Vossen, P. (2007). Organic management of common insects and diseases of olive. Organic Olive Production Manual. UC ANR. 3353
- Vossen, P. (2007). Organic olive orchard nutrition. Organic Olive Production Manual. UC ANR. 3353
- Lanini, W.; Vossen, P. (2007). Organic weed management in olive orchard. Organic Olive Production Manual. UC ANR. 3353
- Vossen, P. (2007). Site, Varieties, and production systems for organic olives. Organic Olive Production Manual. UC ANR. 3353
- Zalom, F.; Vossen, P.; Van Steenwyk, R.; Ferguson, L.; McKenry, M.; Lanini, W.; Krueger, W. (2007). UC IPM pest management guidelines for olive. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/selectnewpest.olives.html
- Vossen, P. (2007). Varieties and rootstocks. The Home Orchard. UC ANR. 3485
- Grattan, S.; Berenguer, M.; Connell, J.; Polito, V.; Vossen, P. (2006). "Olive oil production as influenced by different quantities of applied water." Agricultural Water Management 85: 133-140.
- Berenguer, M.; Vossen, P.; Grattan, S.; Connell, J.; Polito, V. (2006). "Tree irrigation levels for optimum chemical and sensory properties of olive oil." HortScience 41(2): 427-432.
- Vossen, P. (2005). Producing Olive Oil. Olive Production Manual. UC ANR. 3353
- Berenguer-Merelo, M.; Grattan, S.; Connell, J.; Polito, V.; Vossen, P. (2003). "Irrigation of Olive Trees." New Ag International: The World's Leading Publication on High Tech Agriculture: 64.
- Vossen, P.; Silva, D. (2002). Berries. California Master Gardener Handbook. UC ANR. 3382: 431-447.
- Geisel, P.; Farnham, D.; Vossen, P. (2002). Grapes. California Master Gardener Handbook. UC ANR. 3382: 417-430.
- Vossen, P.; Silva, D. (2002). Temperate Tree Fruit and Nut Crops. California Master Gardener Handbook. UC ANR. 3382: 449-530.
- Caprile, J.; Varela, L.; Pickle, C.; Bentley, W.; Vossen, P. (1998). UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines for Apple. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PDF/PMG/pmgapple.pdf
- Vossen, P. (1997). "Home Composters Make a Difference to Diversion." Journal of Composting and Recycling 38(1): 34-36.
- Vossen, P. (1992). "Starting a County Agricultural Marketing Program." Journal of Extension: 25-27.
Non-Peer Reviewed
- Vossen, Paul M (2014). Monitoring and Control of Olive Fruit Fly (OLF) for Oil Production in California. CAPCA Adviser, California Association of Pest Control Advisors. XVII:6, 44-54. December 1.
- Vossen, P.; Curle, D. (2012). Home Compost Education Report 11-12. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. September.
- Vossen, P.; Bell, L. (2012). Sudden oak death report to the USDA Dept. of Forestry. Final Report June 2011 to May 2012.
- Vossen, P. (2011). Growing fruit trees on a small scale in Sonoma and Marin counties: Parts I and II. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. December 13, 20.
- Tobias, M.; Vossen, P. (2011). Growing Vegetables. Master Gardener Handout Publication. http://ucanr.org/sites/scmg/files/30786.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Curle, D. (2011). Home Compost Education Report 10-11. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. September. UCCE Sonoma Master Gardener â?? Compost website: http://ucanr.org/sites/scmg/Workshops/
- Vossen, P.; Ferguson, L. (2011). Olive oil quality: How to improve it in the orchard. First international conference on olive in Palestine: Status and Challenges.
- Vossen, P. (2011). Olive oil taste panels are not the problem. Olive Oil Times. February 1. http://oliveoiltim.es/23
- Tobias, M.; Vossen, P. (2011). Resumen de Cultivo de Hortalizas. Master Gardener Handout Publication in Spanish. http://ucanr.org/sites/scmg/files/30787.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Elkins, R.; Bianchi, M.; Klonsky, K.; Livingston, P.; DeMouea, R. (2011). Sample costs to establish a medium-density olive orchard and produce bottled oil. North and Central Coasts. Oakland, CA, UC ANR. http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P.; Bell, L. (2011). Sudden oak death report to the USDA Dept. of Forestry. Final Report June 2010 to May 2011. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/134832.pdf
- Koseoglu, O.; Unal, M.; Vossen, P. (2011). The Effect of the Extraction Systems on the Quality and Bitterness of the Virgin Olive Oil. International Conference for Olive Tree and Olive Products, Chania, Greece, Olive Bioteq.
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2011). UC Cooperative Extension sensory analysis panel enhances the quality of California olive oil. California Agriculture. 65:1, 8-13. http://ucanr.org/repository/cao/landingpage.cfm?article=ca.v065n01p8&fulltext=yes
- Tobias, M.; Vossen, P. (2011). Vegetable Planting Summary. Master Gardener Handout Publication. http://ucanr.org/sites/scmg/files/30787.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2010). Approximate yields of fruits and vegetables in California and Sonoma County. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/27451.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2010). Description of olive oil analysis tests. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/48137.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2010). Got the right climate for growing olives? UCCE-Sonoma website posting. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/37245.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2010). Growing berries in Sonoma County. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. July 30. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/49963.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Curle, D. (2010). Home Compost Education Report 2009-10. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. September. UCCE Sonoma Master Gardener â?? Compost website: http://ucanr.org/sites/scmg/files/71312.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Curle, D. (2010). Home Composting and Garden Pesticide Use Survey 2010. UCCE-Sonoma website. http://ucanr.org/sites/scmg/files/71312.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2010). International olive council (IOC) olive oil sensory evaluation methodology. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/48152.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2010). International olive council recognized olive oil taste panels that accept foreign samples for sensory evaluation. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. August. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/48142.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2010). Laboratories testing olive oil 2010. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/48139.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2010). Olive oil as a new crop. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. March 19. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/27719.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2010). Olive oil prices (2010). UCCE-Sonoma website posting. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/49337.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Salmon, T. (2010). Pocket Gophers and Moles. Online PowerPoint presentation. April 15. UCCE Sonoma website: http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/27701.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2010). Small-scale olive growing. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. September 9. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/27742.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Bell, L. (2010). Sudden oak death report to the USDA Dept. of Forestry. Progress report June â December 2009. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/134830.pdf
- Kicenik Devarenne, A.; Vossen, P. (2010). Understanding the new USDA olive oil standards. The olive oil times online newsletter. September 14. http://www.oliveoiltimes.com/olive-oil-basics/olive-oil-grades/understanding-usda-olive-oil-standards/6320
- Burrack, H.; Bingham, R.; Price, R.; Connell, J.; Phillips, P.; Wunderlich, L.; Vossen, P.; O'Connell, N.; Ferguson, L.; Zalom, F. (2010). Understanding the seasonal and reproductive biology of olive fruit fly is critical to its management. California Agriculture. 65:1, 14-20. http://ucanr.org/repository/cao/landingpage.cfm?article=ca.v065n01p14&fulltext=yes
- Kicenik Devarenne, A.; Vossen, P. (2010). Understanding the USDA olive oil standards. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. September 6. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/48283.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2010). What to grow for profit: Parts I and II. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. June 4. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/49961.pdf ; http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/49962.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2009). Dati Statistici â Stati Uniti. Lâ extravergine â Guida ai migliori oli del mondo di qualitá accertata.M. Oreggia. Roma, Italia. www.marco-oreggia.com
- Vossen, P.; Curle, D. (2009). Home Compost Education Report 08-09. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. September. http://ucanr.org/sites/scmg/files/71311.pdf
- Burrack, H.; Forness, A.; Connell, J.; O'Connell, N.; Phillips, P.; Vossen, P.; Zalom, F. (2009). Intraspecific larval competition in the olive fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae). Entomology Society of America. 38:5, 1400-1410.
- Vossen, P. (2009). Introduction to olive oil growing. UCCE-Sonoma website. August 12. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/27740.pdf
- Kicenik Devarenne, A.; Vossen, P. (2009). Its all about familiarity â olive oil preferences. Fruit Gardener. 41:6. November-December.
- Vossen, P. (2009). Master miller course. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. October 15. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/27772.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2009). Olive cultivar comparisons from around the world. Olivebioteq, Sfax, Tunisia, Institut de lâOlivier.
- Vossen, P. (2009). Olive harvesting equipment sources. UCCE Sonoma County handout.
- Vossen, P. (2009). Olive oil standards. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. September 19. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/27745.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2009). Processing Olives into Oil. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. November 4. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/47678.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2009). Single varietal oils. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. September 19. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/27747.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2009). Super-high-density olive oil growing. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. October 7. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/27773.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2009). The different faces of Arbequina. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. September 19. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/27746.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2009). UC Pest Management Guidelines for Olives. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/selectnewpest.olives.html
- Connell, J.; Grattan, S.; Berenguer, M.; Vossen, P.; Polito, V. (2009). Water Management for Oil Olives. Olint Magazine. 8, 32-34. December.
- Vossen, P. (2009). What is olive oil and how is it made. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. September 18. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/27743.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2009). World olive oil statistics. UCCE-Sonoma website posting. September 18. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/27744.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2008). California Olive Oil Mills. UCCE-Sonoma website. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/27490.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2008). Dati Statistici â Stati Uniti. Lâ extravergine â Guida ai migliori oli del mondo di qualitá accertata.M. Oreggia. Roma, Italia. www.marco-oreggia.com
- Vossen, P.; Curle, D. (2008). Home Compost Education Report 07-08. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. September. http://ucanr.org/sites/scmg/files/30427.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2008). Home orchard weed control. Grapevine Newsletter of the Midwest Fruit Explorers. 7-8. June.
- Vossen, P. (2008). Inmates dig their way to new careers in horticulture. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.org/delivers/impactview.cfm?impactnum=716
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2008). Sensory characteristics of California olive oils. VI International Symposium on Olive Growing, Evora, Portugal.
- Vossen, P. (2008). Sensory descriptive analysis. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 3:3. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/52495.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Gubler, W. (2008). Verticillium Wilt of Olives. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 4:1. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/files/56459.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2007). A report on California experiments with different olive oil mills. Beyond Extra Virgin: Italo-Californian Olive Oil Conference, UC Davis, CA, California Institute Food and Agricultural Research.
- Leinfelder, M.; Vossen, P. (2007). A review of olive research in Spain. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 3:1. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/42857.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2007). âFirst Pressâ â olive oil newsletter. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.org/delivers/impactview.cfm?impactnum=295&mainunitnum=0
- Vossen, P. (2007). California olive oil mills. UCCE Sonoma County handout. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/43567.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2007). Californiaâs unique olive oil identity. Core issues grant report. https://ucanr.org/cig/programs/programswork/annualreportview.cfm
- Vossen, P. (2007). Controlling olive fruit fly on oil olives. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.org/delivers/impactview.cfm?impactnum=295&mainunitnum=0
- Kicenik Devarenne, A.; Vossen, P. (2007). Cookâs Illustrated December 2006: Comparison of olive oils revisited. Handout â Proceedings of the olive oil sensory short course. Davis, CA. September 28-29. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/43057.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2007). Current opportunities in the California olive oil industry. Plant and Soil Conference of the California Chapter of the American Society of Agronomy, Sacramento, CA.
- Vossen, P. (2007). Dati Statistici â Stati Uniti. Lâ extravergine â Guida ai migliori oli del mondo di qualitá accertata.M. Oreggia. Roma, Italia. www.marco-oreggia.com
- Vossen, P. (2007). Espaciado entre árboles en plantaciones superintensivas. Olint Edición Española. 12. May.
- Kicenik Devarenne, A.; Vossen, P. (2007). Familiarity: the olive oil preferences of trained and untrained tasters. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 2:4. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/39901.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2007). Frost or freeze. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 2:2. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/32946.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2007). Garden Tour Provides Great Educational Opportunity. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.org/delivers/impactview.cfm?impactnum=645
- Vossen, P.; Curle, D. (2007). Home Compost Education Report 06-07. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. September. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/5669/41865.pdf ; http://ucanr.org/sites/scmg/files/71310.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A.; Krueger, W.; Donaldson, D.; Polito, V.; Guinard, J.; Churches, K.; Elkins, R.; Weber, E.; Rasmussen, Y.; Curle, D.; Storm, B.; DeJoseph, S.; Johansen, R.; Rich, E. (2007). Identifying Californiaâs unique olive oil identity. Core issues grant report. CIG05-176.
- Vossen, P. (2007). Introduction to olive oil production in the world. Beyond Extra Virgin: Italo-Californian Olive Oil Conference, UC Davis, CA, California Institute Food and Agricultural Research.
- Vossen, P. (2007). Mass trapping and spray materials for control of olive fruit fly. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 2:4. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/39901.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2007). Mass-trapping and spray materials for control of olive fruit fly. 9th Exotic Fruit Fly Symposium, Fresno, CA.
- Vossen, P. (2007). Olive oil processing equipment sources. UCCE Sonoma County handout. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/17349.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2007). Olive tree density debate. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 2:3. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/36579.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2007). Orchard practices and olive oil quality. Beyond Extra Virgin: Italo-Californian Olive Oil Conference, UC Davis, CA, California Institute Food and Agricultural Research.
- Vossen, P. (2007). Orchard spacing for oil olives. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 2:2. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/32946.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2007). Organic control methods for olive fruit fly in California. Ecoliva 2007 â 6th international conference on organic olive growing, Puente de Génave, Spain.
- Vossen, P. (2007). Organic olive production manual: a new publication from the University of California. Ecoliva 2007 â 6th international conference on organic olive growing, Puente de Génave, Spain.
- Vossen, P. (2007). Organic olive production short course and manual. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.org/delivers/impactview.cfm?impactnum=295&mainunitnum=0
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2007). Pruning olive trees: how to minimize alternate bearing and improve production. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 2:3. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/36579.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Connell, J.; Krueger, W.; Klonsky, K.; Livingston, P. (2007). Samples costs to establish a super-high-density olive orchard and produce oil in the Sacramento Valley. Oakland, CA, UCCE ANR. http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P.; Grant, J.; Klonsky, K.; Livingston, P. (2007). Samples costs to establish a super-high-density olive orchard and produce oil in the San Joaquin Valley. Oakland, CA, UCCE ANR. http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu
- Bell, L.; Safford, C.; Vossen, P.; Perry, C. (2007). Sudden oak death strategic response plan for Sonoma County. Report to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors. UCCE and Sonoma County Department of Emergency Services. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P. (2007). UCâs olive oil taste panel supports industry. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.org/delivers/impactview.cfm?impactnum=295&mainunitnum=0
- Vossen, P. (2006). California olive oil industry statistics update. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 1:4. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/28259.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2006). Comparison of mass trapping, barrier film, and spinosad bait for the control of olive fruit fly in small scale orchards and landscapes in coastal California. Olivebioteq, Marsala, Italy.
- Vossen, P. (2006). Controlling olive fruit fly at home. UCCE Sonoma County handout. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/28457.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Connell, J. (2006). Fertility management for olives. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma Country. 1:3. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/28258.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Curle, D. (2006). Home Compost Education Report 05-06. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. October. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/5669/41865.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Berenguer, M.; Connell, J.; Grattan, S.; Polito, V. (2006). Irrigating oil olives â where quality meets quantity. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 1:4. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/28259.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Varela, L.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2006). Olive Fruit Fly. UCCE Sonoma County handout. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/28458.pdf
- Johnson, M.; Zalom, F.; Van Steenwyk, R.; Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A.; Daane, K.; Krueger, W.; Connell, J.; Yokoyama, V.; Bisbari, B.; Caprile, J.; Nelson, J. (2006). Olive fruit fly management guidelines for 2006. Plant Protection Quarterly. 16:3. http://www.uckac.edu/ppq/PDF/jul2006-v16_03_.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2006). Olive maturity index. UCCE Sonoma County handout. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/28458.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2006). Olive oil yield. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 2:1. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/29131.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2006). Pesticide Use Reduction Education Report 05-06 to the City of Santa Rosa. September.
- Vossen, P. (2006). Pruning: topping tall or neglected olive trees. UCCE Sonoma County handout. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/36224.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2006). The Spanish âOLIPEâ trap for olive fruit fly control. UCCE Sonoma Country handout. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/28460.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2006). Tree spacing for super-high-density planting. Olint Magazine. 4. October.
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2006). What is extra virgin olive oil? â The Vocabulary of an olive oil label. Handout â Proceedings of the olive oil sensory short course. Davis, CA, UCCE. September 28-29. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/43056.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2005). California Olive Oil Industry Survey Statistics. UCCE Sonoma County Report. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/hortic/pdf/survey_olive_oil_in_ca_05.pdf
- Caprile, J.; Vossen, P. (2005). Codling Moth â Integrated Pest Management for Home Gardeners. Pest Notes. UC ANR. 7412. http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PDF/PESTNOTES/pncodlingmoth.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2005). Comparison of Mass Trapping, Barrier Film, and Spinosad Bait for the Control of Olive Fruit Fly in Small-Scale Orchards and Landscapes in Coastal California. 8th Exotic Fruit Fly Symposium, Riverside, CA.
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2005). "Control of Codling Moth in Backyard Orchards with Last Call CM (Permethrin and Pheromone in a paste formulation)." Plant Protection Quarterly 15(1)
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2005). Controlling Olive Fruit Fly at Home. UCCE Sonoma County. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/hortic/pdf/olive_fruit_fly_home.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2005). Economics of olive oil production. Organic Olive Production Short Course, Santa Rosa, CA, UC Sustainable Ag Research and Education Program.
- Vossen, P. (2005). Foliar diseases on olive trees. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 1:2. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/28257.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2005). Harvest efficiency for small scale growers. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 1:1. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/28256.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2005). Home Compost Education Report 04-05. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. October.
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A.; Cristoso, C. (2005). How to Handle and Store Olive Oil. Central Valley Post Harvest News. UCCE Kearney Agricultural Center. 14:2, 11. www.uckac.edu/postharv
- Vossen, P. (2005). International Olive Oil Council trade standards for olive oil. Organic Olive Production Short Course, Santa Rosa, CA, UC Sustainable Ag Research and Education Program.
- Vossen, P.; Varela, L.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2005). Olive Fruit Fly. UCCE Sonoma County. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu/hortic/pdf/olive_fruit_fly_info.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A.; Cristoso, C. (2005). Olive Oil Facts. Central Valley Post Harvest News. UCCE Kearney Agricultural Center. 14:2, 5-10. www.uckac.edu/postharv
- Vossen, P. (2005). Organic Control Measures for Olive Fruit Fly in Small-Scale Orchards and Landscapes in Coastal California. Symposium: IPM in Organic Production Systems. Pacific Branch Entomological Society of America Eighth Annual Meeting, Pacific Grove, CA.
- Lanini, W.; Vossen, P. (2005). Organic weed management in olive orchards. Organic Olive Production Short Course, Santa Rosa, CA, UC Sustainable Ag Research and Education Program.
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2005). Pesticide Use Reduction Education Report 04-05 to the City of Santa Rosa. September.
- Vossen, P. (2005). Progress on the USDA standards for olive oil. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 2:1. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/29131.pdf
- Vossen, P.; Royce, L. (2005). Sensory Evaluation of Olive Oil Short Course Syllabus. Santa Barbara, CA. March 11-12.
- Vossen, P. (2005). Site, varieties, and production systems for organic olives. Organic Olive Production Short Course, Santa Rosa, CA, UC Sustainable Ag Research and Education Program.
- Vossen, P. (2005). So many weeds, so little time. First Press Newsletter. UCCE Sonoma County. 1:2. http://ucce.ucdavis.edu/files/filelibrary/2161/28257.pdf
- Vossen, P. (2005). Top Ten Factors in Producing Quality Olive Oil. Central Valley Post Harvest News. UCCE Kearney Agricultural Center. 14:2, 10. www.uckac.edu/postharv
- Vossen, P. (2005). Understanding Olive Oil Yield. California Olive Oil Council Website. Winter. http://cooc.com
- Vossen, P. (2005). Variety and maturity: the two largest influences on olive oil quality. UNICO website. Italian American Service Organization. http://www.unico.org/monthlyTheme11.html
- Vossen, P. (2004). Case Study: Super-High-Density Olive Oil Production in California. Australian Olive Association: National Olive Industry Conference, Perth, Australia.
- Vossen, P. (2004). Control of Olive Fruit Fly in California: Organic Controls for Small-Scale Growers. California Organic Production and Farming in the New Millennium Research Symposium, UC Berkeley, CA, UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.
- Vossen, P. (2004). Home Compost Education Report 03-04. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. October.
- Berenguer, M.; Grattan, S.; Connell, J.; Polito, V.; Vossen, P. (2004). Irrigation Management to Optimize Olive Oil Production and Sensorial Quality. Fourth International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops, Davis, CA, Acta Hort.
- Vossen, P. (2004). Overview of Processing Considerations for Oil Quality and Style. Australian Olive Association: National Olive Industry Conference, Perth, Australia.
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2004). Pesticide Use Reduction Education Report to the City of Santa Rosa. September.
- Vossen, P. (2004). Poster: Sustainable Sonoma- Organic research and extension activities in Sonoma County. California Conference on Biological Control, UC Berkeley, CA.
- Vossen, P. (2004). Premium Extra Virgin Oil Master Class â Two Day Workshop Syllabus. Australian Olive Association: National Olive Industry Conference, Perth, Australia.
- Vossen, P.; Connell, J.; Klonsky, K.; Livingston, P. (2004). Samples costs to establish a super-high-density olive orchard and produce oil â Sacramento Valley. Oakland, CA, UCCE ANR. http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P.; Diggs, L.; Mendes, L. (2004). Santa Rosa Junior Collegeâs Super-High-Density Orchard. Olint Magazine. 3, 6-8.
- Vossen, P.; Berenguer, M.; Grattan, S.; Connell, J.; Polito, V. (2004). The influence of different levels of irrigation on the chemical and sensory properties of olive oil. 5th International Symposium on Olive Growing, ISHS, Izmir, Turkey.
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2004). Urban Pesticide Use Reduction. Report to the City of Santa Rosa. August.
- Vossen, P. (2004). World Industry Outlook. Australian Olive Association: National Olive Industry Conference, Perth, Australia.
- Vossen, P. (2003). Aceites de Arbequina y Arbosana californianos reciben una puntuación muy alta por el panel de cata local. Olint Revista. 7, 27. May.
- Vossen, P. (2003). California Arbequina and Arbosana olive oils get a very high rating from the local tasting panel. Olint Magazine (Special English Edition). 2, 15.
- Vossen, P.; Lapsley, J.; Royce, L. (2003). Course syllabus for Sensory Appreciation of Olive Oil Short Course. Davis, CA. March 7-8.
- Vossen, P. (2003). Fertilizing Olive Trees: Nutrition is Less Important than Water. Olea - California Olive Oil Council Newsletter. 6:1, 4-5. March.
- Vossen, P. (2003). Home Compost Education Report 02-03. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. September.
- Vossen, P. (2003). Master Gardeners Protect the Environment. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.org/delivers/impactview.cfm?impactnum=303&mainunitnum=0
- Vossen, P. (2003). Olive Oil Industry in California. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.org/delivers/impactview.cfm?impactnum=295&mainunitnum=0
- Vossen, P. (2003). Organic Apple Industry in California. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.org/delivers/impactview.cfm?impactnum=297&mainunitnum=0
- Vossen, P. (2003). Planting Olive Trees. Olea - California Olive Oil Council Newsletter. 6:2, 4-5. June.
- Vossen, P. (2003). Practical UC Course on Specialty Crops Production. UC Delivers. http://ucanr.org/delivers/impactview.cfm?impactnum=302&mainunitnum=0
- Vossen, P. (2003). The Spanish Olipe trap for organic control of olive fruit fly. UCCE Sonoma County handout. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2003). Urban Pesticide Use Reduction. Report to the City of Santa Rosa. October.
- Geisel, P.; Vossen, P.; Unruh, C. (2002). Almonds - Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners. UC ANR. 7257.
- Geisel, P.; Vossen, P.; Unruh, C. (2002). Apples and Pears - Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners. UC ANR. 7258.
- Geisel, P.; Vossen, P.; Unruh, C. (2002). Apricots - Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners. UC ANR. 7259.
- Vossen, P.; Seaver, D.; Polito, V.; Veerkamp, G.; Moratorio, M. (2002). "Backyard Orchardsâ Website." from http://fruitsandnuts.ucdavis.edu.
- Geisel, P.; Vossen, P.; Unruh, C. (2002). Cherries - Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners. UC ANR. 7260.
- Vossen, P. (2002). Effective Olive Orchard Management: Variety and Maturity â The two largest influences on oil quality. Australian Olive Association: National Olive Industry Conference, Adelaide, Australia.
- Vossen, P.; Barranco, D.; Muñoz, A. (2002). Growth Regulation of Arbequina Olive Trees with Prohexadione Calcium. UCCE Sonoma County.
- Vossen, P. (2002). Home Compost Education Report 01-02. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. August.
- Vossen, P. (2002). OLIPE Bottle Trap for Mass Trapping and Control of Olive Fly in California. Sonoma Coutny leaflet. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P.; Varela, L. (2002). Olive Fruit Fly Control. UCCE Leaflet. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu
- Geisel, P.; Vossen, P.; Unruh, C. (2002). Peaches and Nectarines - Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners. UC ANR. 7261.
- Geisel, P.; Vossen, P.; Unruh, C. (2002). Plums - Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners. UC ANR. 7262.
- Vossen, P. (2002). Quality Table Olive and Oil Olive Production: Olive Oil Processing Technology Influences on Quality. Australian Olive Association: National Olive Industry Conference, Adelaide, Australia.
- Vossen, P. (2002). Super-High-Density Olive Oil Production. Olint Magazine (Special English Edition). 1. October.
- Vossen, P. (2002). The Top Ten Factors in Producing High-Quality Olive Oil. Olea - California Olive Oil Council Newsletter. 5:4, 4.
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2002). Urban Pesticide Use Reduction. Report to the City of Santa Rosa. September.
- Geisel, P.; Vossen, P.; Unruh, C. (2002). Walnuts - Calendar of Operations for Home Gardeners. UC ANR. 7263.
- Vossen, P.; Lapsley, J. (2001). Course syllabus for Olive Oil Sensory Appreciation Short Course. Davis, CA. April 27-28.
- Vossen, P. (2001). Gopher Control. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (2001). Home Compost Education Report 00-01. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. September.
- Vossen, P.; Klonsky, K.; DeMoura, R. (2001). Sample costs to establish an olive orchard and produce olive oil â Central Coast of California. Oakland, CA, UCCE ANR. http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P.; Sibbett, G.; Evers, R.; Klonsky, K.; Livingston, P. (2001). Updated Sample Costs to Establish an Olive Orchard and Produce Olive Oil - North Coast of California. Oakland, CA, UCCE ANR. http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P.; Kicenik Devarenne, A. (2001). Urban Pesticide Use Reduction. Report to the City of Santa Rosa. September.
- Vossen, P. (2001). Whatâs Happening in Spain. Olea - California Olive Oil Council Newsletter. 4:3. Spring/Summer.
- Vossen, P.; Lapsley, J.; Uceda, M. (2000). Course syllabus for "Olive Oil Processing Short Course". UC Davis. March 8-10.
- Vossen, P.; Lapsley, J. (2000). Course syllabus for Sensory Appreciation of Olive Oil Short Course. Davis, CA. May 11-13.
- Vossen, P. (2000). Home Compost Education Report 99-00. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. October.
- Vossen, P. (2000). Italian Olive Oil Production. Technical report on the olive oil production tour (11-25 to 12-9). Santa Rosa, CA, UCCE Sonoma County. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P. (2000). There is no Substitute for Good Weed Control. The Western Chestnut Grower. 2:3. Fall.
- Vossen, P. (1999). Book review of Olive Oil from Table to the Tree, 2nd Edition by Apostolos Kiritsakis. Olea - California Olive Oil Council Newsletter. 2:3. Spring/Summer.
- Vossen, P. (1999). Chestnut Culture in California. UC ANR. 8010. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8010.pdf
- Vossen, P. (1999). Chestnut Fertilization. The Western Chestnut Grower. 1:2. Fall.
- Vossen, P.; Lapsley, J. (1999). Course syllabus for "Establishing and Managing an Olive Orchard for Gourmet Olive Oil Production" Short Course. Santa Rosa, CA. May 20.
- Vossen, P.; Lapsley, J. (1999). Course syllabus for Sensory Appreciation of Olive Oil short course. Davis, CA. March 17-18 and October 21-22.
- Vossen, P. (1999). Demonstration Farm Opens in Sonoma â Recycled Water Nourishes Crops. Water Reuse. 9:2. Summer.
- Vossen, P. (1999). Disease Resistant Apple Varieties. One page handout for Apple Day 3-6-99. Santa Rosa, CA.
- Vossen, P. (1999). Home compost Education and Commercial Food Waste Composting Research Report 98-99. Report to the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. September.
- Vossen, P. (1999). Identification of Olive Varieties. Olea - California Olive Oil Council Newsletter. 2:3. Spring/Summer.
- Vossen, P. (1999). Olive Fruit Fly Infestation Found in Southern California. Olea - California Olive Oil Council Newsletter. 2:2. Winter.
- Vossen, P. (1999). Olive Oil Production in Greece. Technical report on the olive oil production tour (11-28 to 12-8). Santa Rosa, CA, UCCE Sonoma County. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu
- Swezey, S.; Vossen, P.; Caprile, J.; Bentley, W. (1999). Organic Apple Production Manual. UC ANR. 3403.
- Vossen, P.; McEnnis, K. (1999). Press Release âSustainable Irrigation Projectâ â Irrigation of Vegetables with Recycled Water for demonstration field days. Sonoma County Cooperative Extension Office.
- Vossen, P.; Sibbett, G.; Evers, R.; Klonsky, K.; Livingston, P. (1999). Sample costs to establish an olive orchard and produce olive oil - North Coast of California. Oakland, CA, UCCE ANR. http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P. (1999). Spray for Peacock Spot Right after Harvest. Olea - California Olive Oil Council Newsletter. 2:2. Winter.
- Vossen, P. (1999). Spreading the Home Composting Message. BioCycle. 64-65. February.
- Vossen, P. (1998). Alternative Codling Moth Control Materials. Sonoma County one page handout.
- Vossen, P.; Peterson, L.; Johnson, M. (1998). Attention Businesses: Now You Can Reduce Your Garbage Bill and Conserve Resources. Sonoma County Cooperative Extension promotional leaflet.
- Vossen, P.; Caprile, J.; Swezey, S. (1998). Course Syllabus for the Organic Apple Production Short Course in Santa Rosa, CA. June 12-13.
- Vossen, P.; Izquierdo, J.; Lapsley, J. (1998). Course Syllabus for the Sensory Evaluation of Olive Oil Short Course in Davis, CA. May 28-30.
- Vossen, P. (1998). Cover Crops, Weed Control, and Orchard Floor Management- Cobertura Vegetal y Manejo de Herbicidas. Course Syllabus for International Fruit Production Course. Mendoza, Argentina. June 18-21.
- Vossen, P. (1998). Do Your Own Apple Variety Testing. California Grower. 22:9. October.
- Vossen, P.; Rilla, E.; Peterson, L.; Johnson, M.; McCreary, R. (1998). Home Compost Education and Commercial Food Waste Composting Research. Report for the Sonoma County Waste Management Agency 97-98. September.
- Vossen, P. (1998). Marketing Organic Apples Successfully. Small Farm News. Spring.
- Vossen, P. (1998). Monitoring is Key to Gopher Control. California Grower. 22:5, 7-8.
- Vossen, P. (1998). Organic Chemical Controls for Apple Scab. One page handout for the Organic Apple Production Short Course. Santa Rosa, CA. June 12.
- Vossen, P. (1998). Report on Sonoma County Apple Variety Evaluation and Demonstration Test Orchards. Small Farm Workgroup and California Apple Commission. April 7.
- Vossen, P. (1998). Top Ten Factors in Producing Quality Olive Oil. One sheet handout for Sensory Evaluation Course on Olive Oil Tasting. May.
- Vossen, P. (1997). Certification of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Sensory Evaluation of Olive Oil Short Course, UC Davis, CA.
- Vossen, P. (1997). Chestnut Production. Chestnut Short Course, UC Davis, CA.
- Vossen, P. (1997). Extra Virgin Certification Program. Olea - California Olive Oil Council Newsletter.
- Vossen, P. (1997). Good Color Adds Value to Apples. California Grower. 21:9, 10-11.
- Vossen, P.; Tapia, W. (1997). Home Composting Program 4-H Chicken-Que Recycling Project 1997. UCCE Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. 1-25.
- Vossen, P. (1997). Master Gardener Home Composting Program 96-97 (Survey Report). UCCE Sonoma County Waste Management Agency.
- Vossen, P. (1997). Olive Oil Production in California. Olive Oil Production Short Course, Santa Rosa, CA.
- Vossen, P. (1997). Spanish Olive Oil Production. Technical report on the olive oil production tour (11-28 to 12-8). Santa Rosa, CA, UCCE Sonoma County. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P. (1997). Variety Mix Increasingly Competitive. California Grower. 21:5, 19-20.
- Vossen, P.; Rilla, E. (1996). Compost Bin Incentive Program (Survey Report). UCCE Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. 1-8.
- Vossen, P. (1996). Fruit Trees & Vines for California Home Use. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet. 1-37.
- Vossen, P. (1996). Ground Cover Fabrics - Herbicide Alternative. California Grower. 20:4, 27-29.
- Vossen, P.; Moorhead, G. (1996). Hop Culture in California. UCCE â Sonoma County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P.; Moorhead, G. (1996). Hop Culture in California. Small Farm News. 3-4. May-June.
- Vossen, P.; Rilla, E. (1996). Master Gardener Home Composting Program 95-96 (Survey Report). UCCE Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. 1-11.
- Vossen, P. (1996). New Product Thins Golden Delicious Blossoms. California Grower. 20:2, 6-7.
- Vossen, P. (1996). Trained Home Composters reduce solid waste by 18%. California Agriculture. 50:5, 11-15.
- Vossen, P.; Rilla, E. (1996). Trained Home Composters Reduce Solid Waste By 18%. Yolo Master Gardener Newsletter. 3-4.
- Vossen, P.; Gubler, W. (1995). Apple Scab Trials - Organic Products. California Grower. 19:4, 19-20.
- Vossen, P. (1995). Bitter Pit Calcium Treatments Compare Well. California Grower. 19:9, 8-9.
- Vossen, P.; Varela, L. (1995). Keeping Aphids at Bay. California Grower. 19:12, 8-10.
- Vossen, P. (1995). Master Gardeners & Pesticides (Policy Guidelines). UCCE Sonoma County.
- Vossen, P.; Gubler, W. (1995). North Coast Apple Scab Trials 1993-1994, Organic and Conventional Materials Comparison. Plant Protection Quarterly. 5:2, 1-8.
- Vossen, P.; Gubler, W. (1995). North Coast Apple Scab Trials 93/94, Organic and Conventional Materials Comparison. Sustainable Agriculture Technical Reviews. 7:4, 13-14.
- Vossen, P. (1995). Olive Oil Production in France. Technical report on the olive oil production tour (5-22 to 5-30). Santa Rosa, CA, UCCE Sonoma County. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P.; Rilla, E. (1995). Reducing Solid Waste by Teaching Home Composting (Survey Report). UCCE Sonoma County Waste Management Agency. 1-7.
- Vossen, P. (1995). Specialty Tomatoes. Small Farm News. 3-4. November-December.
- Vossen, P. (1994). Apple Stickers. California Grower. 18:11. November.
- Vossen, P.; Jolly, D.; Meyer, R.; Varela, L.; Blodgett, S. (1994). Comparing Organic and Conventional Apple Production in Sonoma County. California Agriculture. 48:5. September-October.
- Gubler, W.; Vossen, P. (1994). Cooperative Research Projects. UCCE Plant Pathology Department Report. 65-67.
- Klonsky, K.; Tourte, L.; Ingels, C.; Livingston, P.; McCreary, R.; Vossen, P. (1994). Production Practices and Sample Costs for Fresh Market Organic Apples. Oakland, CA, UCCE ANR. http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P.; Klonsky, K.; Tourte, L.; Livingston, P. (1994). Sample Costs to Establish an Apple Orchard and Produce Apples - Dryland Orchard in Sonoma County. Oakland, CA, UCCE ANR. http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P.; Klonsky, K.; Tourte, L.; Livingston, P. (1994). Sample Costs to Establish an Apple Orchard and Produce Apples - Sprinkler Irrigated in Sonoma County. Oakland, CA, UCCE ANR. http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P. (1994). Selling Good Taste. California Grower. 18:11, 23-24.
- Vossen, P. (1994). Seven Steps to Bitter Pit Control. California Grower. 18:6. June.
- Vossen, P. (1994). Sonoma Apples Taste Better. Point of Sale piece 7â X 10â. Swanson Graphics.
- Vossen, P. (1994). Specialty Olive Oil Production. Small Farm News. 94, 7-8. November-December.
- Vossen, P. (1993). Apple Sticker: Fruit sticker â Sonoma County Apples Taste Better.
- Vossen, P. (1993). Establishing a Small Scale Fruit Operation. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (1993). Forgotten Apple Varieties with Market Potential. California Grower. 17:12. December.
- Vossen, P. (1993). Growerâs Specialty Tomatoes. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (1993). Growing Cut Flowers & Herbs. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (1993). Herbicide Tools, Site Selection - Soil - Climate for Oil Olives, Italian Olive Oil Production. Small Scale Olive Oil Production in California - A Short Course Manual. October 28-30.
- Vossen, P. (1993). Mineral Nutrition, Cover Crops, Herbicides and Weed Control. Apple Production - A Pomology Short Course Manual. November 16-18.
- Vossen, P. (1993). Mini Marketing Plan. Marketing Seminar Series Manual. Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3, 10.
- Swezey, S.; Vossen, P.; Caprile, J.; Bentley, W.; Blodgett, S.; Varela, L. (1993). Planned Parenthood for Codling Moths. California Grower. 17:4. April.
- Vossen, P.; Blodgett, S.; Jolly, D.; Meyer, R.; Burroughs, K.; Jewell, G. (1992). A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Apple Production Systems. âOrganic 92â: A University of California Symposium, Asilomar, California.
- Micke, W.; Yeager, J.; Vossen, P.; Bethell, R.; Foott, J.; Tyler, R. (1992). Apple Rootstocks Evaluated for California. California Grower. 33. June.
- Micke, W.; Yeager, J.; Vossen, P.; Bethell, R.; Foott, J.; Tyler, R. (1992). Apple Rootstocks Evaluated for California. California Agriculture. 46:2, 23-25.
- Bruhn, C.; Vossen, P.; Chapman, E.; Vaupel, S. (1992). Consumer Attitudes Toward Locally Grown Produce. California Agriculture. 46:4, 13-16.
- Vossen, P. (1992). Course Syllabus for Ag 251 Specialty Crops Production. January-May.
- Vossen, P. (1992). Establishing a Small Scale Fruit and Vegetable Operation. Entry Level Farming Manual. UC Small Farm Center.
- Vossen, P. (1992). Italian Olive Oil Production. Technical report on the olive oil production tour (11-24 to 12-3). Santa Rosa, CA, UCCE Sonoma County. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P. (1992). Italian Olive Oil Production. Technical Information Complied from a Tour of the Italian Olive Industry. UCCE. November 1-12. http://cesonoma.ucdavis.edu
- Vossen, P. (1992). Oak Trees Aren't as Sturdy as They Appear. California Landscaping. 11. November.
- Vossen, P. (1992). Orchard Floor Management, Weed Control and Cover Crops. Apple Production - A Pomology Short Course Manual. Modesto, CA. November 17-19.
- Vossen, P. (1991). Card design used as an insert into apple boxes and for in-store displays to indicate the point of origin of the fruit. Point of Sale piece 7â X 10â.
- Vossen, P. (1991). Chestnuts as an Alternative Crop. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (1991). Growing Choose & Cut Christmas Trees in Sonoma County. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P.; Bennett, D. (1991). SCAMP Marketing Seminar Series. Feb. 3 - Mar. 10.
- Vossen, P. (1991). Where Will All the Food Come From? Sonoma Business Magazine. 38. October.
- Vossen, P. (1990). Fruits & Vegetables Approx. Yields & Prices. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (1990). Growing Blackberries on the North Coast. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (1990). Growing Blueberries on the North Coast. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (1990). Growing Currants & Gooseberries on the North Coast. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (1990). Growing Raspberries on the North Coast. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (1990). Growing Strawberries on the North Coast. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (1990). Poster 18â X 24â. Designed for the Sebastopol Apple Promotion Committee (SAPC) Board to promote Sonoma County apples.
- Vossen, P. (1990). Sebastopol Apple Promotion Committee. Small Farm Program Annual Report. 12.
- Vossen, P. (1990). Water Management for Fruit Crops. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P.; Gadd, P. (1989). A Comparison of Several Pocket Gopher Baits in the Field. 14th Vertebrate Pest Conference, Sacramento, CA.
- Vossen, P. (1989). Calendar of Operations for Fruit Trees. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (1989). Fruit, Nuts, Grapes & Berry Varieties & Rootstocks. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (1989). Growing Apples Organically. Small Farm News. UCCE. January-February.
- Vossen, P. (1989). Overview of Ag. Marketing in Sonoma County. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
- Vossen, P. (1989). Specialty Tomatoes. Specialty and Minor Crops Handbook. UC ANR. 3346.
- Vossen, P. (1989). Trees for Wet Soils. UCCE Sonoma - Marin County Leaflet.
California Agriculture Article Contributions
ANR Workgroup Associations
- Small Farm - Member
- Vegetable Crops - Member
- Warm Season Vegetables - Member
- Waste Management and Compost - Member