Veggie Happenings Resources Archive
Three Sisters Gardening and Beneficial Insects (May 2022)
- Three Sisters Planting
- More about beneficial insects
- Beneficial Predators (Quick Tips from UC IPM)
- Green Lacewings (UC IPM)
- Assassin Bugs and Ambush Bugs (University of Wisconson-Madison)
Tomatoes and Cabbage Butterflies (April 2022)
Tomato Growing Resources
- Tomatoes
- All About Growing Dwarf Tomatoes (Guide and Q&A) – Bountiful Gardener
- What Are Determinate and Indeterminate Tomatoes? (thespruce.com)
- Heirloom Tomatoes
- https://www.victoryseeds.com/tomato_paste.html
- Tomato_Plum_Resistant-Varieties_2021.pdf (cpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com)
- 15 Early-Maturing Tomato Varieties For Short Season, Northern Growers (gardeningchores.com)
- 18 Of The Best Heirloom Tomato Varieties To Grow - Gardening Chores
- 20 Best Varieties Of Yellow & Orange Tomatoes To Grow In Your Garden (gardeningchores.com)
- The Best Late Season Tomato Varieties (thespruce.com)
- Isolation Distance Requirements for Tomatoes (southernexposure.
Helpful websites for more information about Cabbage Butterflies
Gardening Edibles in Containers (March 2022)
What can be planted in late winter or early spring?
- Year-Round Food Gardening in Sonoma County
- Vegetable Planting Summary
- Gardening in Raised Beds and Containers
- Small-Space Vegetable Gardening, by Andrea Bellamy
- The Beautiful Edible Garden, by Leslie Bennett and Stefani Bittner
- Edible Landscaping, by Rosalind Creasy
- The Edible Garden, by Janet Sanchez and Hazel White
- Sunset Books
More About Row Covers:
- Baker, Danielle. Row Covers: Helping to Grow Your Own Food Year Round
- Managing Pests in Garden:Protective covers, (UC IPM)
- Row Cover Vegetable Production Techniques (New Mexico State University)
Cucumber beetles, home made soil blockers, fall and everbearing raspberries fruit based dressings (February 2022)
- All about Cucumber Beetles (UC Integrated Pest Management)
- Cathy McFann’s Raspberry Pruning Video
- California Master Gardener Handbook, 2nd Edition
- Making Soil Blocks (Penn State Extension)
- Best Soil Blockers Review (Gardeners Yard website)
Growing sweet potatoes, Snails & Slugs (January 2022)
- Sweet Potatoes, UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County
- Growing Sweet Potatoes in the Sacramento Area, UCANR Environmental Horticultural Notes EHN 102
- Snails & Slugs, UCANR IPM Pest Management
Fall gardening tips; growing fava beans; making pumpkin butter (October 2021)
- Pumpkin Butter, South Dakota State University Extension
- Preserving Pumpkins, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Putting Your Garden to Bed, UC MG Program of Sonoma County
- Growing a Cover Crop, UC MG Program of Sonoma County
- Fava Beans as a Cover Crop, UC MG Program of Sonoma County
Preserving Your Tomato Bounty (August 2021 presentation by the UC Master Food Preservers of Sonoma County: Kathleen, Tobi, Steve, Suzanne, Shannon)
- Tomato Resources, compiled by Kathleen Fitzgerald-Orr, Sonoma MFP
- Master Food Preserver Resources, compiled by Kathleen Fitzgerald-Orr, Sonoma MFP
Mulch in the Food Garden, Firewise Considerations (Mimi’s July 2021 presentation)
- Mulch, Fire in California, University of California Cooperative Extension
Growing Cool-Weather Crops (Stephanie and Ellie’s July 2021 presentation)
- Vegetable Planting Summary, UC MG Program of Sonoma County
- First and Last Frost Dates, UC MG Program of Sonoma County
- How to Calculate Fall Garden Sowing/Planting Dates, UC MG Program of Sonoma County
- Year-Round Gardening in Sonoma County, UC MG Program of Sonoma County
- Cool-Season Vegetable Gardening, UC MG Program of Sonoma County
- Focus on Fall Vegetables, UC MG Program of Sonoma County
- The Late Fall and Winter Food Garden, UC MG Program of Sonoma County
- How to Make Your Own Seed Tape, BHG
SUMMER FRUIT TREE PRUNING (Steve’s June 2021 presentation)
- The Home Orchard, Growing Your Own Fruits And Nuts. UCANR Publication 3485.
Available on loan from the Sonoma County Library system.
You can watch more of Steve’s videos on the Sonoma County Master Gardener You Tube Channel:
- Peach Tree Summer Pruning, UC MG Program of Sonoma County
- Cherry Tree Summer Pruning, UC MG Program of Sonoma County
- Summer Pruning of an Apple Tree to Thwart Excess Vigor, UC MG Program of Sonoma County
GARDENING WITH CHILDREN (Kitty’s June 2021 presentation)
- Planting a Three Sisters Garden, UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County
- The Sonoma County Library system has a number of books available on loan including two recommended by Kitty: Roots, Shoots, Buckets & Boots: Gardening Together with Children and The Book of Gardening Projects for Kids: 101 Ways to Get Kids Outside, Dirty and Having Fun.
Supporting research:
- Davis, J.N., et al. “School-based gardening, cooking and nutrition intervention increased vegetable intake but did not reduce BMI: Texas sprouts - a cluster randomized controlled trial.” International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 18, 18 (2021).
- Butcher, K., Plecher, J. “Gardening with young children helps their development,” Michigan State University Extension. 2017.
- Kuo, F. E., Taylor, A. F. “A potential natural treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: evidence from a national study.” American Journal of Public Health, 94(9), 1580–1586 (2004).
STRAWBERRY FRUIT LEATHER (UC Master Food Preservers of Sonoma County’s June 2021 demonstration; Kathleen, Kathy and Sue)
- Master Food Preserver Resources, prepared by Kathleen Fitzgerald-Orr, Certified Master Food Preserver of Sonoma County
- Strawberries: Safe Methods to Store, Preserve and Enjoy, UCANR
GARLIC, Part 2 (Janet’s May 2021 presentation. Note: Janet presented Garlic Part 1 in October 2020 which is a presentation on prep and planting in the fall/winter season)
- Garlic, UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County
- Grow Your Own Garlic 2020, UC Master Gardener Program of Tulare and Kings Counties
- More Garlic, UC Master Gardener Program of Santa Clara
- Growing Great Garlic, The National Gardening Association
- Growing Garlic, Garden Betty
CUCUMBERS AND CORN (Denise’s May 2021 presentation)
- The History of Corn
- Cucumbers, UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County
- Corn, Zea Mays, Maize, UC Master Gardener Program of Sonoma County
- Discovering the Countless Cucumber Varieties, Evergreen Seeds (for more seed sources, see "Vegetable Seed Sources")
SPRING GARDEN PESTS (Kathleen’s May 2021 presentation)
- Natural Enemies of Garden Pests, Integrated Pest Management, UCANR
- Organic Gardening, UCANR
ALL ABOUT TOMATOES! (Elaine and Susan’s April 2021 presentation)
- Average First and Last Frost Dates in Sonoma County, compiled by Sonoma County Master Gardeners from NOAA weather data (note: 30-year averages are updated every 10 years; NOAA is currently working on the next update through 2020)
- “Growing Tomatoes,” Sonoma County Master Gardener website
- Variety of tomato articles (including growing tomatoes with less water), Sonoma County Master Gardener website
- Elaine’s Tomato Bibliography and Resources
- Q&A
HOW TO HARVEST AND USE YOUR FALL COVER CROPS (Cathy’s March 2021 presentation)
- Cover Crops in Your Backyard, UC Master Gardener Program of Contra Costa County
GROWING POTATOES (Judith‘s March 2021 presentation)
- Potato article, Sonoma County Master Gardener website
- Potato, white (includes a problem diagnosis chart), Vegetable Research and Information Center, University of California
There are many online instructions for constructing a potato tower. Here are two:
- https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/2088/2017/04/potato-tower-revised-8-2012-2.pdf
- https://extension.oregonstate.edu/gardening/vegetables/growing-potatoes-towers
References provided by the UCCE Master Food Preserver Program of Sonoma County:
- Canning Potatoes, Penn State Extension
- Preserving Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes, Penn State Extension
DRIP IRRIGATION IN THE FOOD GARDEN (Jennifer’s March 2021 presentation)
- Drip Irrigation in the Food Garden, Sonoma County Master Gardener website
- Drip Irrigation Instructions and Shopping List, Sonoma County Master Gardener website
STARTING TOMATOES AND PEPPERS BY SEED (Denise’s February 2021 presentation)
- Growing Tomatoes in the Home Garden, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California, Publication 8159
- Pepper and Tomato Articles, Sonoma County Master Gardener Website
- Average First and Last Frost Dates in Sonoma County, Sonoma County Master Gardener Website
Houllier’s book is available for loan through the Sonoma County Library system; we expect Albert’s book will be available through the library soon:
- Le Houllier, Craig, Epic Tomatoes, Storey Publishing, North Adams, Massachusetts, 2015
- Albert, Stephen, Tomato Grower’s Answer Book, Green Wagon Books, 2019 (his seed starting information can also be found on Harvest to Table)
GROWING ASPARAGUS (Stephanie’s February 2021 presentation)
- Asparagus, Sonoma County Master Gardener Website
- Asparagus, Vegetable Research Information Center, UC Davis
- Vegetable Seed Sources, Sonoma County Master Gardener Website
CITRUS FOR SONOMA COUNTY (Jennifer’s February 2021 presentation)
- Citrus, The California Backyard Orchard, University of California
The following books are available for loan through the Sonoma County Library system:
- Pittenger, Dennis R. (Editor), California Master Gardener Handbook, 2nd Edition, UC/ANR, 2015
- Western Garden Book of Edibles: The Complete A to Z Guide to Growing Your Own Vegetables, Herbs, and Fruits, Sunset Publishing, 2010
FRUIT TREE PRUNING (Steve’s January 2021 presentation on the basics of dormant fruit tree pruning)
- Fruit and Nut Trees, The California Backyard Orchard, University of California
- Pruning and Training, The California Backyard Orchard, University of California
- Fruit and Berry Articles, Sonoma County Master Gardener Website
- California Rare Fruit Growers, Redwood Empire Chapter
GROWING STRAWBERRIES, RASPBERRIES AND BLUEBERRIES (Fred’s and Kitty’s January 2021 presentations on planting bare root berries)
- Growing Berries, The California Garden Web, University of California
- Fruit and Berry Articles, Sonoma County Master Gardener Website
COVER CROPS (Cathy’s November 2020 presentation on growing cover crops to feed and protect the soil and to provide nectar and pollen to bees and beneficial insects)
- Green Manure/Cover Crops, Sonoma County Master Gardeners
- Grow Cover Crops to Attract Beneficial Insects, Add Nutrients, Suppress Weeds and Build Soil, UC Green Blog
- Cover Crop Data Base, UC/ANR
PUTTING THE FOOD GARDEN TO BED (Tobi’s November 2020 presentation on sustainable practices so that your garden is in its best possible shape for spring 2021 planting)
- Putting the Garden to Bed, Sonoma County Master Gardeners
- Important: Compost, compost, compost! Mulch, mulch, mulch!
The following books can be borrowed through Sonoma County libraries:
- Dirt to Soil, Gabe Brown, Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2018
- Growing a Revolution, David Montgomery, W. Norton & Company, 2018
- The Soil Will Save Us, Kristin Olsen, Rodale, 2014
GROWING GARLIC, Part 1 (Janet’s October 2020 presentation on prep and planting in the fall/winter season)
- Garlic, Sonoma County Master Gardeners
- Problem Diagnosis Guide for Garlic, VRIC, UC Davis
PLANTING FOR POLLINATORS (Sue’s October 2020 presentation)
- “Gardening for Pollinators: What to Plant and Why,” UC Davis Arboretum
- Bring Back the Pollinators, The Xerces Society
- “Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden,” US Fish and Wildlife Service
- How to Attract Pollinators (interview with Kate Frey), The Bug Squad blog, UC/ANR
- Butterfly Larval Plants of Sonoma County, Sonoma County Master Gardeners
- Nectar Guides, The Bee Gardener blog, UC/ANR
The following books can be borrowed through Sonoma County libraries:
- The Bee-Friendly Garden, Kate Frey and Gretchen LeBuhn, Ten Speed Press, 2016
- The Monarch: Saving Our Most-Loved Butterfly, Baumle, Kylee, St. Lynn’s Press, 2017
SEED SAVING (Electra’s September 2020 presentation)
- Seed Savers Exchange
- Community Seed Exchange, Sebastopol, CA
SEPTEMBER GARDEN TASKS (Kitty’s September 2020 presentation)
- Harvesting Chart, Sonoma County Master Gardeners
- Ongoing Monthly Tasks, MGSC web page
ATTRACTING BENEFICIALS (Kathleen’s September 2020 presentation; and see prior IPM links)
- Meet the Beneficials: Natural Enemies of Garden Pests, IPM, UC/ANR
- Recommended Plants for Sonoma County for Beneficial Insects, Sonoma County Master Gardeners
- Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation